The last of the fried mush

The last of the fried mush w/ syrup
All the regulars were there (Greg, Lupe, Jack, Henry, William, Charlie) and the mostly regular (Lauren). We also had a visitor. Sydney spent the night and syruped with us. She stayed for a good part of the day and was a big help with the kids.
This is the second time since we started seriously syruping that we have had fried mush. What did we learn? Well the basic recipe is good but last time I tripled it and this time I doubled it. I don’t know what is best. Doubling gave us enough food and allowed me to stop cooking in a reasonable amount of time. However, it might have been nice to have a little extra to snack on the rest of the day. On second thought, I don’t need to snack all day (I am a tad fat) so maybe doubling was best.
Another thing we learned is to put something like plastic wrap on the top of the mush before we refrigerate it. That will leave it without a hard top. The hard top makes it difficult to cut through without damaging the pristine slices.
I remember growing up that everyone always had trouble getting the correct consistency. I will have to say that I have not had that problem. Maybe I just have a good batter but I think it is all the Love I put into it.
NOTE: I showed this post to Jack and told him that I put pictures of what we had for breakfast today. He asked ‘why’.